I haven’t seen too many games, indie or otherwise, come out of Latin America. But when I saw the Colombian team Glitchy Pixel’s Indiegogo page for their project Poltergeist: Pixelated Horror, I had to bring some attention to them, being part Colombian myself.
Poltergeist started out as an entry in a Square Enix-run competition called Latin American Game Development Contest 2012. It went on to win first place, and once Glitchy Pixel–comprised of artist Diana Esperanza Pacheco and programmer Italo Felipe Capasso Ballesteros–reattained the rights, the team has sought to polish and develop their game further with your help.
So what is Poltergeist? It’s a puzzle game that places the player in the role of a ghost that is none too happy with all the people moving into his beloved mansion. Your mission is to use all of your supernatural, ghostly powers to scare everyone out of the vicinity through various eras of the mansion’s history. The puzzle elements come in as you must successfully scare all of the fleshy residents out before you have used all your powers. To make this a little harder, there are also people that will be tougher to frighten and will actively try to fight you, such as priests and Ghosthunters (a nice little nod there). This all seems to work towards making the game a cleverly strategic puzzler that will have the player taking their time to consider all of their moves.
If successfully funded, the developers promise updated artwork and music, new powers and mechanics, over sixty levels (a respectable increase from the initial twenty in the original prototype), PC, Mac, and Linux support, and, of course, various backer rewards. Glitchy Pixel is asking for $25,000 to fund their game. There’s less than a month left, so get backing over at their Indiegogo page. Poltergeist: Pixelated Horror is also up for voting on Steam Greenlight. To find out more about the developer and see their previous games, check out Glitchy Pixel’s website.
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