Blood of the Werewolf Preview

The indie platformer is a well-worn genre now, but Blood of the Werewolf still packs enough of a punch to merit a look. Developed by Scientifically Proven, this action platformer pays homage both to the classic monster movies of the golden age of cinema and to classic video games such as Metroid and Mega Man.

Blood of the Werewolf

Blood of the Werewolf

Beautifully illustrated and filled to the brim with cool creatures realized in excellent 3D, Blood of the Werewolf drops you into its world as Selena, mother of Nikoli, last of the once prosperous Werewolf clan. The player must then use their reflexes, their crossbow, and their werewolf strength to battle their way through fifteen unforgiving levels featuring hordes of over thirty different enemy monsters.

It’s tough stuff, and you’ll probably die a lot, but it’s a lot of fun. The controls are tight and super easy to learn, but the need for good timing makes the game much more challenging than it initially appears.  There’s a few somewhat irritating flying enemy types, but nothing so frustrating that it takes away enjoyment from the core experience. The musical score and art direction all make for a relatively serious tone while still providing an exciting, intense atmosphere.

The developer also promises a load of different play modes, such as Boss Rush, Score Rush, and Hardcore, as well as online play and leaderboards.

A playable demo is available on the game’s official site. It’s also up for voting on Steam Greenlight. Blood of the Werewolf is slated for release later this summer on PC, PSN, and Wii U. You can keep up with more news about the game on the developer’s Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube pages.

Scientifically Proven is also giving fans a chance to win one of two copies of their previous title, Real Heroes: Firefighter. IGN previously rated the Wii version their Wii Shooter of the Year, and we’re offering 2 codes for the 3DS version. Check out the widget below to find out how to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Billie Wrex is a big sci-fi nerd that shows his love of games through criticism. Besides The Indie Mine, his writing can also be read at his personal games blog, He can be followed on Twitter at @DAIKAIJUZ


  1. The Indie Mine | THE NEXOS CLUSTER - August 8, 2013

    […] Blood of the Werewolf – a preview an action platformer that stars iconic movie monsters […]

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