Frozen Endzone Touches Down On Steam Early Access

Frozen Endzone

Tactical turn-based future-sports football game Frozen Endzone (holy hyphen spam, Batman) is now available through Early Access on Steam.

By pitting teams of sinister looking robots against each other in a deadly game of ‘future football’ (Not the British kind, but the pretend football you see in America) Frozen Endzone hopes to score the same popularity that its predecessor – Frozen Synapse - received.

Launching alongside its Early Access release, Frozen Endzone will also get a number of updates to the current beta version of the game.

  • Players can now have stats: strength, resilience, “burst” (a small burst of acceleration when getting the ball), evade, intercept radius, block radius
  • “Handball” (now called “Full Match”) game mode enters beta.  This has been totally revamped to accommodate stats and is now the main game mode.  Lots of turnovers, interceptions, end-to-end action, and new points zones make this really exciting and strategic.
  • Team Editor allows you to name your players and set their stats; upload your team to the server and use it in multiplayer or skirmish with it offline
  • Completely revamped, much more intelligent AI and a selection of new AI skirmishes
  • Easy-to-use tile-based Pitch Editor (alpha)
  • Custom Game Mode creator (alpha)
  • Commentary system (alpha): commentary makes use of player names; in single player, the AI calculations are also used to allow the commentators to analyse your play-style; in multiplayer, the commentators will discuss your previous history with your opponent
  • New animations and some big improvements to camera code
  • There is now in-game audio to go with the music!

And if that wasn’t enough, here’s a brand spanking new trailer with developer Paul talking us through some of the new features listed above.

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Author:Andy Moore

Andy can usually be found screaming obscenities at whatever game happens to be in front of him at the time, usually because he can't make that final double jump past the laser ghost alien centaurs. When he isn't gaming, he's usually thinking about it. Well, Gaming or alcohol. Catch him on his Twitter handle @MrAndypanda

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