Denver-base indie development studio Glass Bottom Games has announced its latest project, Jones On Fire. Initially started as part of Colorado’s 2012 BlazeJam charity event, the game is now on the verge of releasing for iOS devices with an Android port planned for later.
Described as a “run-and-jumper”, Jones on Fire tasks players with doing what every good firefighter should do: save kitties. Doing so unlocks new abilities for lead hero Emma Jones as she tries to outrun the pursuing pixel-art wall of fire. And if saving furry friends along the way isn’t enough incentive to be a hero, leaderboards are included for bragging rights. The retro art style and “cute factor” certainly make this game look like it’ll be appealing to a wide audience. The price tag of $0 can’t hurt either.
Although no official release date has been announced, Glass Bottom Games is hoping to have it out within a few weeks. For meow, erm now, you can check out the latest trailer below.
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[...] är en ny sidoskrollande springare som skapades av Glass Bottom Games under ett 48h-event kallat BlazeJam i USA. I spelet axlar du rollen som brandmannen Emma Jones som kutar fram i en skog där en [...]